

52’ | English & French Versions | HD

A woman defies the odds, fighting for survival.

Verônica Almeida suffers from a rare degenerative disease that affects her mobility. In 2007, her heart weakened by the disease, doctors give her only a year to live. Following medical advice, she starts swimming. Nine years later, against all odds, she is not only alive but became a key athlete in Brazil’s Paralympic Swim Team after winning a bronze medal at the Beijing Paralympics Games. But winning Olympic medals is not enough for Verônica. She decides to attempt a 12-km swim across the Bay of All Saints from Mar Grande to Salvador de Bahia, butterfly style, with only one arm. Breaking Tides tells the moving story of a woman with an incredible desire to push the limits imposed on her by life. It is an inspiring film about courage, family, sports, resilience, and willpower.

Produced by: MC2 Communications Media

World Rights